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We regret to inform you that Entrefusion has been cancelled

What you get from attending Entrefusion (that you won’t get from other events)

Entrefusion teaches you secrets to being a better entrepreneur – how to raise capital or dominate Google search results, as examples. At the expo, you can book time to talk privately with our elite instructors. At the afterparty with a purpose, founders can hold private presentations to raise capital or attract team members. While presentations are taking place, you can join one of our special interest huddles where people gather around topics such as food or biotechnology to solve problems or talk shop.

In short, Entrefusion is structured nurturing, then pursuit of your own personal goals. It’s our time, then your time. To expand your opportunities, the room will be filled with top-level talent – both local and from around the country, so get clear on what you need and how you’re going to ask for it, because we have designated super connectors to help you find what you’re looking for. That includes solopreneurs, all the way to A-game players and market-leading companies. We can help local startups, nonprofits, billion dollar brands, and almost every enterprise in between. It’s a lot of learning, discovering, connecting, gathering, creating, and fun packed into one super Saturday.

Artificial intelligence and remote work are changing the way the world does business. We want to keep you out in front. That’s why we’re showcasing the latest tools and technologies for business. To illustrate what the future holds for us all, 24.3 brings you three tools (with more on the way) that use artificial intelligence to expedite tasks that used to be time consuming and expensive: hiring great employees, undoing (or preventing) damage done by malware, and book writing.

For remote work, we’re featuring a technology that makes videoconferencing more like in-person conversation by allowing direct eye contact, as well as a platform that adds another dimension to remote work. They rent out workspace in homes, on an as-needed or contract basis, to give companies financial flexibility, employee convenience, and/or enhanced creativity.

There will be winners in the AI/remote work era, and there will be losers. Better get onboard (while you still can) if you want to be one of those who benefits.

I’m (Randy) what you’d call an aggressive learner. And many years ago, I was granted access to a secret repository of information products (CD/DVD/tape sets) from which I could download almost anything I wanted to learn, from almost every guru. So over two and a half decades and 3-9 hours per day, I accumulated quite a knowledge base on a wide variety of marketing- and business-related topics.

Now most events choose their speakers from one topic, one geography, and the organizer’s sphere of influence. On the other hand, our teachers and topics are the most valuable, interesting and little-known strategies that I’ve run across in 25 years of study. From this, I got my top choice instructors to come from around the country to teach you the material that marketing gurus used to reserve for their most expensive products and clientele. We/they are giving away their best stuff for the price of an evening out.

Our speakers and content are carefully chosen to take entrepreneurs through a foundational curriculum – informal as it is – of root-level skills and understandings that empower your entrepreneurial effectiveness. However, most don’t know what they need, and don’t have the confidence in themselves (yet) to ask for it. So we just hand it to you. All you have to do is embrace it and not let go. You’ll get foundational competencies such as

  • How to build profits into your business from Day One.
  • Finding and proclaiming what makes your business different and special is a business power tool that helps you dominate your market.
  • Understanding how others think in order to get agreement and buy-in, while avoiding conflict and misunderstandings.

And you’ll get targeted know-how on topics such as building a high-performing website, new ways to finance your business, keeping your teams engaged and productive, commanding premium pricing, buying media advertising, maximizing the lifetime value of your customers, negotiating more effectively, and making great offers.

These are the competencies that make you business savvy, in a fraction the time. They make you valuable to others and yourself. And they make you deserving of success because you’ve done the work. Hang out with us and get seasoned hundreds of times faster than lessons learned through the school of hard knocks.

Through the event, you get to practice skills such as clarity of thought and direction, speaking the language of capital, and the power of request. We exercise those muscles throughout so you leave with more powerful communication skills as your new normal. Spectacular example: Hear the striking difference that language can make in impact with listeners: Instant Capital Language Makeovers with Berny Dohrmann. Another game-changer for modern humans: You’ll learn about the imperceptible influences all around you that upset your biology and drain you of energy and brainpower, and how you can protect yourself.

We expand your reach with designated super connectors, identifiable by their specially-colored badges and lanyards. These are people who not only have large networks and love making connections, but some of them are masters at creating high impact ideas and packaging them with the assets needed to bring them to fruition – especially introductions. And I don’t mean basic needs, like a web developer or branding expert, but strategic initiatives such as making your brand ten times more appealing, dominating Google search results, tools to find the best employees for less, creating new profit centers, licensing your intellectual property, setting up strategic partnerships, or franchising. You want more results with less effort? These are leverage points that can 10X or 100X your results.

We promote an environment of sharing and caring, rather than competition, hoarding of resources, fear, ego, power and control over others. You see, one of our pet peeves (the producers of the show) is that most gatekeepers in the business world that can help you, only do help those who are already successful or well on their way. That leaves up-and-coming entrepreneurs largely on their own, fighting for scraps. We support underserved entrepreneurs by helping them access the people, strategies, and solutions they didn’t know they needed, or could not easily obtain.

We bring in only instructors that are willing to share what they know and help wherever they can, instead of those celebrity speakers that get you pumped up, they walk off stage, and you never see them again (except maybe get a picture or two). For this, our instructors are asked to be available as much as they can for questions and one-on-one consultations. They’ll lead meal tables and (public) special interest huddles where everyone shares (and practices) their elevator pitch and needs requests, thus expanding everyone’s ability to help each other (like a rising tide that lifts all ships).

But, best of all, you can schedule time to meet with our speakers at the expo. Instructors are not required to meet with attendees, but ours are there to share. So most will have a signup sheet where you can book 5, 10 or 15 minutes with them free of charge – their choice. It’s a great, easy way to get to know each other and find out if you have reason to do business together. Are you starting to see how structured interactions encourage sharing and caring on another level?

Adding fuel to the fire, there’s a big break in the middle for an expo of service providers, sponsors, resources and speakers. It’s a target-rich environment to acquire resources crucial to your survival and thrival. Many are one powerfully-stated request away from being yours. That means you don’t have to dig too hard to hit pay dirt at Entrefusion; much of what you need is in the room for the asking – either in-person, or by referral.

When school’s out for the day the real fun begins, because we study by day and explore opportunities at night. The venue is the perfect environment for meeting still more well-connected individuals, and deepening the connections formed during the day. That’s why Life Time is bringing in their mobile bar for an evening of power networking, special interest huddles, mood-making music, and private presentations. If you’ve never experienced this sort of energy, it is absolutely electric – which isn’t wishful thinking on our part. It’s a proven concept because we’re simply re-creating the camaraderie of another event that provided exactly this type of party-with-a-purpose atmosphere. You won’t want to leave there’s so many ‘good people to know’, in a mood to help you as much as they can.

What makes Entrefusion enriching beyond information and motivation is that we teach you how to raise capital during the day, and rent out conference rooms where people can hold private, invitation-only presentations or workshops by night. We call it we learn by day, and earn investor interest at night. That means investors and people with heavy connections will be in the room. However, the majority of angels like to keep a low profile. So they circulate throughout the day, get to know others in anonymity, and observe how founders carry themselves – then decide if they want to do business with that person.

It’s a perfect way to see behind the social facade and find the people you resonate with, before you consider doing business together. Huge bonus: Investors can observe how founders perform in social situations – a huge indicator of future success. While, on the other hand, business builders can observe how prospective investors treat others when their guard is down (my advice: don’t accept money from people you don’t get along with well).

Private presentations are also the best experiential training for future fund-raisers, just by sitting in on pitches, hearing the language, getting a feel for their structure and flow, and observing investor reactions and concerns. This gets you comfortable making your own presentations or requests, asking for money, believing you deserve it, and receiving in abundance. You’ve done your homework and reps, and people can feel it. Personal power starts with your language, accumulates through experience, and presents as confidence and competence. Do the work, and build a great investment opportunity, and money gravitates towards you, instead of running for its life.

Disclaimer: Offers to sell securities are prohibited at the event. If there is mutual interest in an investment opportunity, you need to meet after the event. The Entrefusion Forum is meant to be a perfect place for parties to meet around business and money.

While private presentations are going on, special interest huddles are a place to find mentors that are years ahead of you in making mistakes, learning from them, and amassing deep pools of resources. These people don’t frequent lesser events very often because the quality isn’t there to justify the time spent. On the other hand, visit any of our special interest huddles to find mentors, connect with your tribe, workshop your problems and opportunities, or just talk shop.

Entrefusion raises the level of talent and experience in the room by giving high fliers good reason to come: people at or above their level. They get leverage and benefits too. From first-class instructors to facilitators to experienced startup founders, help is then available for up-and-comers who are ready to make rapid progress. Again, not speculation. We are inviting successful food company founders to lead huddles, as one niche example, to help those who have the will, but don’t yet know the way. Winning in business couldn’t be any easier.

Just think, wouldn’t it be so nice to give and receive in an environment where value is exchanged freely, implemented, and actually appreciated? We’re even developing a program to help billion dollar companies tackle their biggest problems and opportunities. Click here to learn how.

As night networking begins, the aperture of your consciousness is open full-throttle like you’re on AZT from Limitless. To capitalize on the heightened cognition, companies of all kinds can hold creative retreats to problem solve or work on their long-term plans. Then the team goes out and harvests the ideas and resources needed to make it happen. Come back twice a year and you have a real program – a defined mechanism – to systematize growth and breakthroughs in your business. Think: remote teams meeting in a dynamic environment twice a year to synchronize their efforts.

Using leverage points like these, Super Saturday is prime time for parties to meet and form the relationships needed to produce big wins. It’s like a deal hub… that we’re intentionally facilitating. No joke folks, Entrefusion is the place where ideas flood your consciousness, your network expands rapidly, progress is made toward your goals, deals get done, and you walk away a more effective businessperson… ruined for lesser events and stoked to do it again. (Though you do have to be in a mental mode to give and receive, as no one can do it for you.) It’s all about the principles of the space, and the quality of the people you meet, that up-leverage your efforts.

Fundamentally, Entrefusion is all about leverage. We help you find leverage points throughout your business and apply them to maximum effect, using minimal effort. It’s what big, successful companies do well to get where they’re going: leverage their ideas, capital, partnerships, employees, time, strategies, systems and processes, intellectual property, reputation, customer needs, market timing, founder’s mission, access to raw materials, control over markets, and ultimately their brand. I could go on, but you get the point: Leverage is what gets you more results and better results, more easily and more quickly. If you, and your team, want successes to come without unnecessary friction and failures along the way, you need to have a leverage mindset, and master its use through habit. To put it super simply, Entrefusion gives you leverage. And leverage multiplies your results.

If you want more easy wins (for a change) because the environment is catalyzing synergies and collaboration… if this sounds like your happy place… you won’t want to miss Entrefusion. Get your tickets early and we can make it even better. Click the button below to see prices and reserve your ticket(s) today. Prices start at $79 in January (General Admission), and go up to $199, the day of (assuming any tickets are left). Total tickets are limited to 350 for General Admission, 50 VIP Access, and 15 Teen, in addition to volunteers and exhibitor staff (maybe 50-100).

In case you were wondering if it’s worth coming in from out of town to join us, the answer is ‘yes’, it is. We’ve secured remarkable rates at the coolest hotel in Beaverton, The AC Hotel. And we’re helping coordinate carpools from Bend, Seattle, Eugene, and maybe Northern California to make the event as convenient and affordable as possible. In any case, it’s a better-than national-level event at a local price. Plus, a full satisfaction guarantee is in effect. Just after the halfway point (after you’ve eaten lunch), if you don’t feel the event is for you, we’ll refund your entire admission price, no questions asked. Book now for best prices.

See Ticket Prices

Each talk is designed to teach you high-leverage strategies you didn't know


The goal: Shift your thinking and make a huge difference in your results. Note: Most talks are held twice so you don't miss important information

Entrefusion 24.3 - program schedule

Detailed descriptions of what you'll learn


Make immediate progress at the


Start working on next steps at the afterparty

8:00 pm remove 9:00 pm
Conference rooms

Private presentations in conference rooms

14 rooms, 42 time slots, in total

9:00 pm remove 10:00 pm
Conference rooms

Private presentations

10:00 pm remove 11:00 pm
Conference rooms

Private presentations

8:00 pm remove 11:00 pm
Designated areas throughout the space


These are special interest huddles held in open areas, free for anyone to come and go as they please.

Conference Rooms Rentals by the hour

Conference rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis for people/companies to hold whatever kind of presentation, workshop, or meeting they want. Many will hold private, invitation-only presentations to prospective investors and team members.

Learn More
Conference Room Schedule
1. Large (L)
2. Medium F
3. Medium G
4. Medium H
5. Medium I
6. Medium J
7. Medium K
9. Lounge A
10. Lounge B
12. Small C
13. Small D
14. Small E

Find like minded people in our


Find mentors years ahead of you, workshop your problems and opportunities, or simply talk shop with like minds




Thubten Comerford - Co-producer PDX TechCeleration and Transworld business broker.
Thubten Comerford - Co-producer PDX TechCeleration and Transworld business broker.

John Friess - Board member, Executive Director of Starve Ups
John Friess - Board member, Executive Director of Starve Ups

These people can help you find what you're looking for


Pro tip: it helps to do 'the work' on your end first, so you're prepared to receive in abundance


Get to know our speakers and some of the subjects we cover

Interviews and Pre-Class Prep

You might get more from these pre-class prep videos than whole other conferences



sponsoring organizations will go here

AC Hotel | Beaverton – The official hotel of TechCeleration
AC Hotel | Beaverton – The official hotel of TechCeleration
Pink Cloud functional beverages
Thanks to drink sponsor Pink Cloud
Joy Poke on 117th
Thanks to dessert sponsor Joy Poke on 117th

To sponsor or exhibit at the event, click here.

What could you accomplish with access to a network of networks?


Plug into the Entrefusion community and get over-resourced

Huge thanks to Life Time Work for hosting Entrefusion


And be sure to take the tour of Life Time Fitness... Very impressive



Limit 350
$ 79-17900BY DATE
  • check Lunch and snacks included
  • check Awesome education
  • check Afterparty (where the rubber meets the road)
  • chevron_right Or volunteer and attend for free
  • add Ticketing fees covered for early registration
  • add Fun is guaranteed (or your money back)


Limit 50
$ 189-34900
  • check Reserved seating
  • check Upgraded menu options
  • check VIP Room access (in same room as speakers)
  • add Ticketing fees covered for early registration


Teens are almost half off
$ 49-9900
  • check Same benefits as adults
  • chevron_right Imagine the head start you'd have in life knowing business from an early age
  • chevron_right Get those failures out of the way early so you're pre-positioned to win as an adult
  • add Ticketing fees covered for early registration


Sponsor or exhibit for maximum exposure
$ 65000and up
  • chevron_right Silver, Gold or Platinum levels
  • check Best placement for your banner and table (in main rooms)
  • check A few minutes from the podium to explain what you do
  • chevron_right Or exhibit at the event for less
  • chevron_right Early registration discounts offered (please inquire)
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