Conference Rooms

Conference room rentals during afterparty (for private presentations, workshops, etc.)

  • 14 rooms x 3 time slots = ~42 time slots for rent, in total.
  • 1 large conference room (holds ~25 seated + 20 standing room, w/ monitor) = $400/hr. Bonus in January only: 1 General Admission ticket/hr. rented + VIP Room access and upgraded menu options.
  • 6 medium conference rooms (holds ~20 seated + 15 standing, w/ monitor) = $300/hr. Bonus in January only : 1 General Admission ticket/hr. rented + VIP Room access and upgraded menu options.
  • 2 lounge rooms (holds ~15 seated + 12 standing, w/ monitor) = $300/hr. Bonus in January only: 1 General Admission ticket/hr. rented + VIP Room access and upgraded menu options.
  • 3 small conference rooms (holds about ~14 seated + 6 standing, w/ monitor) = $200/hr. Bonus in January only: 1 GA ticket/hr.
  • Cubicle offices (holds maybe 6 seated): all time slots free, no reservation needed.
  • Extra exposure. Logos of presenting companies will be featured here, and on the front page, when a few reservations have been made.
  • To book time: email [email protected].
Conference Rooms
1. Large (L)
2. Medium F
3. Medium G
4. Medium H
5. Medium I
6. Medium J
7. Medium K
9. Lounge A
10. Lounge B
12. Small C
13. Small D
14. Small E
