I’ve learned from the best marketers of all time, including Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Eben Pagan, and dozens more. I can say without a doubt, Rich Harshaw is in the top tier with the best of them.
Although not well-known outside his niche of home contractors such as remodelers, fencers, and roofers, Rich owns the home contractor space as far as I’m concerned. He is the authority in helping his clients develop a unique and compelling identity, communicating the benefits so the contractor is the one and only choice a sane person can make, and ultimately dominating a marketplace online and by geography.
There are a few that may be more imaginative at coming up with marketing strategies. And there are many marketers that are better known than Rich. But there is no one better at marketing “where the rubber actually meets the road.” In other words, applying strategic marketing principles to effect consistent, real-world results with clients on a day-to-day basis.
In the three podcasts below, Rich discusses a topic I’ve never heard anyone else talk about: buying media for advertising. And, having bought many millions of dollars’ worth of ad time for his clients, there’s probably no one better at it.